2017/18 香港FLL創意機械人大賽 – 對應流感之特別安排 – 創意教育組

2017/18 香港FLL創意機械人大賽 – 對應流感之特別安排


  • 各參加者應在出發前留意自己的身體狀況及必須量度體溫,如有身體不適、咳嗽或發燒等情況,請留在家中休息。
  • 大會將設有探熱器為參加者量度體溫,倘若參加者出現發燒等情況,將不獲參與賽事,並須立即求診及返回家中休息。
  • 除於評審進行期間,所有參加者必須於當日自備並戴上口罩。
  • 大會將會在各個場區提供消毒用品,各參加者亦必須注重個人衞生、勤洗手及保持公德心。
  • 各場區及攤位每小時將以消毒酒精或噴霧進行消毒。
  • 部份STEAM創意攤位將會被取消。

更多香港FLL創意機械人大賽詳情,請 按此 到大賽網頁瀏覽。


Special Measures for Influenza Hong Kong FLL Robotics Tournament 2017/18

All the competitions in Secondary Division will be held as usual (10 Feb), where all the competition in Primary Division will be postponed. To prevent the spread of influenza, please pay attention to the following special arrangement and suggestions:

  • All participants should observe their body condition and measure their body temperature before departing from home. They are required to stay at home and rest if they have any symptoms of any respiratory infection (e.g. feeling unwell, cough or fever)
  • The Organizer will arrange facilities to measure participants’ body temperatures. If participant(s) have fever, they are not allowed to participate in the competition and are required to return home, rest and seek medical advices immediately.
  • Except during judging time, all participants are required to bring and put on surgical mask.
  • The Organizer will prepare sanitizing equipments in all competition area. All participants should maintain good personal hygiene and wash their hands frequently.
  • All competition area and booths will be sanitized every 1 hour with alcohol spray.
  • Some STEAM Booths will be cancelled.